For some it might be chaos for me it was family. I have six older siblings five of them are married and four of the married ones have children. Last November was the last time all of us were together and I don’t think I have ever been happier. Even with four obnoxious brothers, two opinionated sisters, two loud parents, five quiet in-laws and nine children all under the age of ten running around, it still felt like home. I am sure the smell was atrocious I didn’t seem to notice though, but with twenty three bodies there isn’t a lot of hot water to go around so many of us went with out showers far longer than is healthy. I am sure my house smelt strongly of B.O. mixed with poopy diaper; when you walked by the pile of them you couldn’t help but gag. That’s how bad the smell was, no joke. If it wasn`t nap time the noise could escalate to near deafening from mothers shushing their kids, to crying, fighting children to seven laughing and arguing siblings. Then there was the food (packaged and non-packaged) and dishes everywhere; under couches, on top of the TV and even in the bathroom between the hair and makeup products that scattered the counters and sinks. The freezer was over flowing, the fridge was jammed shut, and the pantry was a madness of tin cans and every kind of cereal imaginable. The front door was generally always open; someone was always running in and out carrying newly bought supplies from bed sheets to Tylenol. Toys scattered the floor and you had to be careful where you put your foot down because there might be a baby there. My social needs were definitely overly satisfied that week; there isn’t a place I belong more than with my family. Then with my nieces and nephews worshiping the ground I walk on; my ego definitely grew that week as well. It was a blast.
After rereading this I wonder if perhaps my physical needs that week were not met perhaps making it a negative experience. But you decide. In my opinion it was a just the best! Some perfect pictures to illustrate it:
Are we all happy?
Many fights broke out:
You had to be careful where you stepped
Sorry John I just had to put this one in: